Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sneak Peak- Little Mermaid Ride at Disneyland California Adventure Park

So the first time i heard about this ride "the little mermaid" i was so excitied! Im 24 years old and yes I am still a kid. I was 5 years old I believe when the movie came out. I had everything from the doll to the blanket. Ok here is the video link from a youtube click Little Mermaid and enjoy! Before a complete copy and paste from the website I thought I would just give you guys the link where i got this information with other cool Disney stuff on development. Click Disneyland California Adventure and have fun!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Drinking Water...Interesting!

Water, we can like or not to drink it. Personally me that is the only thing I drink mostly, other than juice and milk (on occassion). Heres what wikipedia-say about water (i put the interesting stuff below on what I thought)

Excluding fat, water composes approximately 70% of the human body by mass.

Throughout most of the world, the most common contamination of raw water sources is from human sewage and in particular human faecal pathogens and parasites. In 2006, waterborne diseases were estimated to cause 1.8 million deaths each year while about 1.1 billion people lacked proper drinking water.

70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water.
Sources where water may be obtained include:
-ground sources such as groundwater, hyporheic zones and aquifers.
-precipitation which includes rain, hail, snow, fog, etc.
-surface water such as rivers, streams, glaciers
-biological sources such as plants.
-the sea through desalination

Humans can survive for several weeks without food, but for only a few days without water.

Only forty-six percent of people in Africa have safe drinking water.

Drinking water vending machines in Thailand. One litre of purified water is sold (into the customer's own bottle) for 1 baht.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I love this one! Sometimes i dont want to wake up in my dream, and then others i do. I have very vivid dreams. I say if i was an artist i could seriously draw it. I can describe my dream so vivid but i will not go there. Most of the times my dreams i get is something from the day before. Between something happening, or happend or thought of. I have had dreams of be flying over joker wild casino in las vegas with my friend. another of me playing a golfing game with dinosaurs attacking me with every ball missed (T-rex to be exact).

I got on to wikipedia on dreams and heres a few things i caught interesting.

The most common emotion experienced in dreams is anxiety. Other emotions include pain, abandonment, fear, joy, etc. Negative emotions are much more common than positive ones.

Sexual themes
The Hall data analysis shows that sexual dreams occur no more than 10 percent of the time and are more prevalent in young to mid teens. Another study showed that 8% of men's and women's dreams have sexual content.In some cases, sexual dreams may result in orgasm or nocturnal emission. These are commonly known as wet dreams.[

In shamanism, the theme of a spirit spouse (in dreams) of the shaman is of worldwide distribution.

Recurring dreams
While the content of most dreams is dreamt only once, many people experience recurring dreams — that is, the same dream narrative is experienced over different occasions of sleep. Up to 70% of females and 65% of males report recurrent dreams.

Colour vs. black and white
Twelve percent of people dream only in black and white. Recent research has suggested that this may be linked to the switch from black-and-white film and TV to colour media.

i also got on to and they said what dreams this means?

•Transcendence over your challenges or the mundane

•Freedom (or a wish for it) from the limitations of your own mental, emotional, and physical challenges—freedom that is available by connecting with your inner joy, love, and Spirit

recurring dream
A dream can recur because the matter involved is somehow is important, urgent, or difficult for your subconscious mind to process. It can indicate unresolved emotions or other unfinished business from a real-life situation, and some inner process or outer action is often necessary to resolve the situation in order for the dream to stop recurring. Also, consider whether the same thing triggered the dream each time (such as having a nightmare about spiders after each time you encounter a feared situation in real life).

Inner dynamics of recurring dreams can include:

•The issue in the dream is very important or very pertinent to your life each time you had the dream
•You haven't addressed the underlying issue behind the dream yet (fear, need for change, etc.)
•You haven't gotten the message the dream is portraying yet
•If the dream is pleasant, you may simply be repeating the dream because you enjoy it

Well thats it, thanks!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Animal Planet Talk

Animal Planet, you can learn alot from this show, wow! And of coarse personally me I dont know have it but they got a free thing going on right now so I have been enjoying it. So im going to write on it. They have changed the shows around since 2 years ago and I am mad..... but life changes and life moves on. They had Animal Cops everywhere going on midday and night. And I loved it! Now they have all these new shows which are interesting too! So heres one..... I will mention...

Dogs 101..... I like this! You can read up on next future living dog. I chose English Mastiff. There sweet and kind!
Few Details About English Mastiff (i got off the net)
- the oldest english breed
-likey to lick than lounge at you
-they slobber constantly

This next dog I would love to have as my next dog. A Goldendoodle.
A Goldendoodle
-Between a golden retriever and a toy poodle
-loves to be active
-can live up to 15 years
-take up 2 hours to blowdry their hair

And Then they got the show called Its Me or the Dog
I love it! But you may not agree with everything that Victoria Stilwell the dog trainer does. For me at least, because my dog, Mo, has a sensitive stomach, so he will not work well for a leash lesson, because she hands outs treats. But others things she does like the door lesson is good. And taking the dogs to another room while company is at the door but what if you don't know who is there and it takes time to get that dog to go in another room and that person at the door leaves? Thats a question. Ok well you can watch the show on animal planet and go about your own opinions.

Thanks for reading and comments are welcome! :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


You can go to work and get complained to about all kinds of things. blah blah blah.... this employee did this, oh my this customer did that, she did that and so much gossip and news and floats around. And wow that boss favors that employee more. That one bugs me the most, but who cares. She gets away with so much stuff. "Shes on her cellphone so much and the boss never catches her but when get on mine she catches me." Or whatever.

The most important thing is that you have a life to live positively inside and out. For your family, friends and for you. Start now and live fresh.